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Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )
时间: 2008-01-09 09:28:05 阅读次数:21880

第 1 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[1]
第 2 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[2]
第 3 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[3]
第 4 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[4]
第 5 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[5]
第 6 页 Do you get a kick out of watching me suffer?( 1.09 )[6]


Photograph by Tim Laman
In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. The sea cucumber provides food for the crustaceans in the form of mucus on its skin and defends itself by ejecting its toxic stomach when danger threatens
锤头鲨 Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas

Photograph by Brian SkerrY
Primordial in appearance, great hammerheads, like this one near the Bahamas, are actually among evolution’s most advanced sharks. Wide-set eyes and nostrils provide keen peripheral senses, and tiny electroreceptors on its snout help it pinpoint prey. Dozens of serrated teeth do the rest.
螳螂 Stick Mantid, Cameroon

Photograph by Mark Moffett
Most of the roughly 1,800 species of mantids-often called praying mantises-spend their time sitting and waiting, seemingly at prayer. These highly skilled hunters and masters of disguise have fascinated humans for thousands of years; the ancient Greeks first used the term mantis, meaning “prophet.”
北极狐 Arctic Fox, Hudson Bay, Canada

Photograph by Norbert Rosing
A stealthy arctic fox steals across a snow-patched ridge in Canada’s Hudson Bay. Not much larger than a big housecat, these seemingly delicate northern mammals are as hearty as they come, thriving in the privation and bitter cold of the Arctic north.
孟加拉虎 Bengal Tiger, India

Photograph by Michael Nichols
A perfectly posed young Bengal tiger rests in a clearing in India’s Bandhavgarh National Park. This individual is likely the offspring of Sita, a tigress famed in the park for her hunting prowess and prized for her prolific breeding.
海豹”打手” Harp Seal, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Canada

Photograph by Brian Skerry
A young fur seal looks warily around an icy whelping site in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence. Seals that are weaned and have shed their downy fur are called beaters for the way they beat their flippers on the water. Their sleek, unmarred pelts are prime quarry for seal hunters.

西印度海牛 West Indian Manatee, Florida

Photograph by Wes Skiles
Like many creatures, the manatee’s bulk-they can be as much as 13 feet (4 meters) long and 1,300 pounds (600 kilograms)-belies its aquatic grace. Also called sea cows, manatees are graceful swimmers that typically glide along coastal waters at 5 to 15 miles an hour (8 to 24 kilometers an hour). This West Indian manatee is wintering in a North Florida spring, attracted by the region’s constant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) waters.
非洲猎豹 Silhouette of African Cheetahs, Africa

Photograph by Chris Johns
A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber. The fastest land animal in the world, cheetahs once thrived in Africa and Asia, but lion predation haunts their young, and farms and ranching have reduced their habitat. Today an estimated 12,000 cheetahs live in 30 countries, helped by conservationists.
赤狐 Red Fox, Denali National Park, Alaska

在阿拉斯加的德纳里国家公园(Denali National Park),一只赤狐正大张了嘴打着呵欠狐狸有着很强的适应性,即使在有环境压力的情况下仍能健康成长它们生活在森林,草原,山区,沙漠,甚至人类环境中,如农场和郊区飞飞Asp技术乐园它们单独捕猎鼠类,兔子,鸟类等,有时也以其它的小猎物如鱼,青蛙,蚯蚓和垃圾等为食
Photograph by Joel Sartore
In Alaska’s Denali National Park, a red fox opens wide for a yawn. Foxes are masters of adaptation, allowing them to thrive despite environmental pressures. They live in forests, grasslands, mountains, deserts, and even human environments such as farms and suburban areas. They are solitary hunters that feed on rodents, rabbits, birds, small game-even fish, frogs, worms, and garbage.
肩毛果蝠 Fruit Bats at Dusk, Zambia

Photograph by Frans Lanting
  Epauletted fruit bats speckle a saffron-colored sky at sunset in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. Millions of these bats come to roost in the valley’s trees and feed off the explosion of fruits during the rainy season, when the Luangwa River overflows its banks and transforms the dry, dusty landscape into an emerald wildlife paradise.

落在树叶上带斑纹的蟋蟀 Striped Cricket on Leaf, Southeast Asia

Photograph by Timothy Laman
Stripes meet stars in this night shot of a cricket in a Southeast Asian forest. In jungles throughout the world, the sinking sun summons a menagerie of rarely seen creatures that slither, leap, and buzz while the forest’s more familiar creatures sleep.

座头鲸(非洲南部)Humpback Whale, South Africa

Photograph by David Doubilet
Forty tons of gleaming muscle, a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa. Found in coastal waters worldwide, humpbacks are known for their magical songs, haunting sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises that often continue for hours on end. Scientists believe they communicate and attract mates through song.
盘绕(卷)的垭拉拉卡蝰蛇(巴西)Coiled Jararaca Snake, Brazil

Photograph by George Grall
A young jararaca snake lies coiled on a mossy piece of ground in the Brazilian rain forest. These venomous pit vipers, members of the lancehead, or fer-de-lance, family, are common throughout their range and are responsible for a large number of snakebites in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.

蜜蜂,(美国州名)缅因 Honeybees, Maine

Photograph by Peter Essick
Swarming honeybees, like these on Maine’s Appledore Island, frequently differ about where to establish a new nest. But the group usually chooses the best site. Bees reach this decision by gathering information, conducting independent evaluations, and holding a kind of vote. Scientists are studying such swarm intelligence-note the yellow and blue identifier dots on the bees in this photo-for clues about how humans might manage complex systems, from truck routing to military robots.
哈奴曼叶猴 Monkeys at Watering Hole, India

watering hole 海滨胜地, 水池, 池塘
Photograph by Michael Nichols
A troop of Hanuman langur monkeys drinks from a watering hole used by tigers in India’s Bandhavgarh National Park. Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma).
落在叶子上的蝴蝶 Butterfly on Leaf, Borneo, Malaysia

Photograph by Timothy Laman
Under the cover of darkness, a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah, Borneo. The 170-square-mile (438-square-kilometer) conservation area is the largest undisturbed lowland rain forest in Malaysia, home to one of the world’s most complex ecosystems.
西印度海牛 West Indian Manatee, Florida

Photograph by Wes Skiles
A West Indian manatee drifts through crystal-clear water in a North Florida spring. Hundreds of these gentle giants migrate from coastal habitats to the springs each winter to bask in their constant and comparatively balmy 72-degree Fahrenheit (22-degree Celsius) waters.

非洲野狗幼崽(博茨瓦纳) African Wild Dog Pups, Botswana

Photograph by Chris Johns
A trio of young African wild dog pups plays near a den in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. Thought to be domesticated dogs gone feral, wild dogs have borne the brunt of extensive extermination programs. Today there are fewer than 5,000 wild dogs alive, which make them Africa’s most endangered large carnivore.
天鹅 Swans, Edinburgh, Scotland

在苏格兰的爱丁堡, 淡紫色的天空下,一群哑天鹅在群山环绕的湖面上静静地划过顾名思义,因其直气管所限,哑天鹅大多数时候都保持安静不过哑天鹅偶尔会发出呼哧声,嘘声,或吼声这种优雅的疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)大多数情况下都通过肢体语言进行交流
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Brooding skies cast a lavender glow on a flock of mute swans gliding across a crag-ringed loch in Edinburgh, Scotland. As their name suggests, mute swans are usually silent, limited by a straight trachea. However, they occasionally snort, hiss, or bark. The graceful Cygnus olor communicates mostly through visual displays and postures.
海狗(福克兰岛) Fur Seal, Falkland Islands

Photograph by Steven Raymer
A Falkland Islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off New Island, where seafood-rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number. Fur seal populations here have rebounded to merely modest levels after a hunting bloodbath in the early 19th century brought the subspecies to the brink of extinction.

阿特沃特草原鸡 Attwater’s Prairie Chick, Texas

在德州玫瑰谷的Fossil Rim野生动物中心,一只几周大的阿特沃特草原鸡正在它精致的小窝中休息一百年前,多达上百万只的阿特沃特草原鸡曾在这里的海岸草原上徜徉但由于过度捕猎以及生境流失,如今这种鸡在野外只剩下不到50只了
Photograph by Joel Sartore
A weeks-old Attwater’s prairie-chicken perches in a delicate nest in Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas. A century ago, as many as a million Attwater’s prairie-chickens roamed coastal grasslands here. Today fewer than 50 of these chickens are left in the wild, due to overhunting and habitat loss.
笑脸蜘蛛 Spider Guarding Eggs, Maui, Hawaii

现今在瓦胡岛,莫洛凯岛,毛伊岛,夏威夷等群岛,依然能看见有快乐面蜘蛛的踪迹.这只蜘蛛在毛伊岛的一篇树叶上产卵,装点成人面和腹部来保护它们的卵,是众所周知的独特模式.科学家们相信, 这种蜘蛛已形成了鲜明的标记,以阻止鸟类在吃它
Photograph by Darlyne Murawski
Found only on the islands of Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii, the happy face spider, such as this one guarding its eggs on a leaf in Maui, is known for the unique patterns that decorate its pale abdomen. Scientists believe Theridion grallatormay have developed its distinctive markings to discourage birds from eating it.

长颈鹿(玛拉玛拉野生动物保护区) Grazing Giraffe, South Africa

Photograph by James Blair
A giraffe samples foliage in South Africa’s Mala Mala Game Reserve. Biologist and explorer Mike Fay calls Mala Mala the “Ferrari of game reserves” for its posh, safari-retro accommodations, lush grounds, top-notch management, and abundant wildlife, including lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, wildebeests, impalas, and giraffes.
亚约克角半岛的鳄鱼 Crocodile, Cape York Peninsula, Australia

Photograph by Sam Abell
Seventeen feet (five meters) of brute reptilian force, a saltwater crocodile snaps at the camera in Shelburne Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Earth’s largest living crocodilians, “salties,” as they’re affectionately known in Australia, are among the area’s most dangerous predators. Without warning, they explode from the water with a thrash of their powerful tails and drag their victim-water buffalo, monkey, shark-under water.

一对(格陵兰)幼犬 Pair of Huskie Pups, Herbert Island, Greenland

这些年轻的爱犬生活在格陵兰赫伯特岛,它们会在长大后成为这个岛上的主力军,在零下温度的厚重积雪中拉着雪橇长时间的劳累生存.据说,约五千多年前它伴随着移民的人从西伯利亚来到格陵兰,这种格陵兰犬在温度接近零下70华氏度(零下57摄氏度) 能拉重量达1000磅( 450公斤)
Greenland dogs (又称雪橇犬)大约在12000年前西伯利亚的一种狼成为了今天的格陵兰犬但是今天的人们很难从格陵兰犬身上看到狼的影子它实在不像狼无论是外貌和体形,更主要的是格陵兰犬以完全失去了狼的本性格陵兰犬非常温驯,因此在格陵兰地区非常受欢迎尽管它的性格比较温顺,但生命力非常顽强,甚至可以在北极零下十几摄氏度的环境下在野外过夜由于它确实是一种非常优秀的工作犬,因此现在不仅在格陵兰岛广为流传,现在,在瑞典和挪威等地也受到了好评翻译:casinnaPhotograph by David McLain
These young pups on Herbert Island, Greenland, will grow up to be powerful, thick-furred sled dogs conditioned to survive long periods of exertion in subzero temperatures. A hardy breed descended from canines that accompanied immigrants who traveled from Siberia to Greenland some 5,000 years ago, Greenland dogs pull sleds that weigh upwards of a thousand pounds (450 kilograms) in temperatures near minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 57 degrees Celsius).
大白鲨 Great White Shark, Gansbaai, South Africa

Photograph by David Doubilet
On the prowl in Gansbaai, South Africa, a great white shark flashes rows of teeth sharper than daggers. With its numbers declining around the world, scientists warn that this species, the most feared of all sharks, may be in danger.
刺毛虫 Slug Caterpillar, Manu River, Peru

Photograph by George GrallBrushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru’s Manu River. The stinging hairs, or suckers, of these brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomous toxins used for defense purposes. However, simply touching a slug caterpillar triggers toxin transfer, which causes rashes, swelling, and in some cases, fever and nausea.
非洲大象(鸟瞰图) Aerial View of African Elephants, Kenya

Photograph by George Steinmetz
A herd of elephants makes its way through swamp grass in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park. Established as a national park in 1974, the 151-square-mile (392-square-kilometer) park at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in southwest Kenya is home to more than 450 animal species, including elephants, wildebeests, cranes, and egrets.

蝙蝠(光明洞) Bats in Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico

位于墨西哥南部的露滋村的光明洞(Cueva de Villa Luz)中,蝙蝠出现在漆黑的洞穴深处洞穴的石壁,水流和空气中充满了对人体有毒害的硫化氢,供养了多种奇特的生物除了蝙蝠之外,这个硫磺饱和的环境下还孳生着大量的蜘蛛,螨虫,有鞭蝎以及一种富含血红蛋白的小鱼
Photograph by Stephen Alvarez
Bats emerge from the inky depths of Cueva de Villa Luz in southern Mexico. Hydrogen sulfide, which is poisonous to humans, permeates the cave’s walls, streams, and air, sustaining a rich variety of bizarre organisms. In addition to bats, spiders, mites, amblypygids, and small, hemoglobin-rich fish thrive in the sulfur-saturated environment.
打哈欠的老虎 Yawning Tiger, India

Photograph by Michael NicholsTigers, like this female in India’s Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting. Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of animals to perhaps fewer than 2,500. Today Bandhavgarh claims to maintain the highest density of tigers in the country

皮卡车厢里的美洲驼 Llama in Pickup Truck, Chile

Photograph by Joel Sartore
A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile’s Atacama Desert. Atacama’s barren high plateaus are home to the Aymara people, who raise llamas for their meat and wool.
(肉食性波尺蛾)毛虫 Caterpillar on Fern, Hawaii

Photograph by Darlyne A. Murawski
A carnivorous Eupithecia caterpillar prowls a fern leaf in Oahu, Hawaii, in search of prey. Such predatory caterpillars are rare and possess extraordinary adaptations, such as armor shields, seductive smells, or artful camouflage, to enhance their lethality.
剪过羊毛的绵羊 Shorn Sheep, Hopland, California

Photograph by George F. Mobley
A handful of recently shorn sheep grazes on a hill at the Hopland Research and Extension Center. The center, one of the University of California’s principal field research facilities for agriculture and natural resources, maintains a sheep flock of 600 to 1,000 breeding ewes. Shearing time comes every April.
虾虎鱼和气泡珊瑚 Goby and Bubble Coral, Indonesia

Photograph by Tim Laman
A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia’s Flores Island. In most of the ocean, turbid or murky waters force creatures to use nonvisual means of communication-smell, taste, touch, and sound. But in the clear, sunlit waters of coral reefs, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in blazing color.
澳洲海狮 Australian Sea Lion off Adelaide

Photograph by David Doubilet
An Australian sea lion mugs for the camera off Adelaide, Australia. These highly endangered sea mammals have been hurt by decades of overhunting.
小须鲸 Minke Whale Breaching

Photograph by Flip Nicklin
The minke whale’s missile-sleek shape helps it speed through the water at up to 20 miles (32 kilometers) an hour. It also gives it a variety of common names, including little piked whale, pikehead, and sharp-headed finner.
阿特沃特草原鸡 Attwater’s Prairie Chickens, Texas

在Fossil Rim野生动物中心里,一群年轻的阿特沃特草原鸡正在加热灯下享受温暖该中心设在德州的玫瑰谷(Glen Rose),为这种独特的濒危鸟类进行着了一种圈养繁殖计划
Photograph by Joel Sartore
Young Attwater’s prairie-chickens bask under a heating lamp at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. The center, located in Glen Rose, Texas, runs a captive-breeding program for these unique, endangered birds.
(落在蕨类植物上的)白蹼树蛙 Frog on Fern, São Paulo, Brazil

Photograph by George Grall
A white-handed tree frog stares at the camera from its perch on a fern in São Paulo, Brazil. There are more than 730 amphibian species in Brazil, 467 of which are endemic to the region.
在井壁旁(饮水)的母狮 Lioness at Borehole, South Africa

Photograph by Chris Johns
A lioness drinks from a rock-ringed borehole in Kalahari-Gemsbok National Park, a 3,700-square-mile (9,600-square-kilometer) slice of desert in South Africa’s Northern Cape Province. Lions had all but disappeared from South Africa by the turn of the 20th century due to unbridled hunting, but the seeds of a remarkable comeback were planted in the 1890s with the country’s first game reserves.
猫鼬爪子 Meerkat Paws, South Africa

Photograph by Mattias Klum
A close-up of meerkat in the Kalahari Desert shows its sturdy, rakelike claws, an important adaptation for their tunneling lifestyle. Meerkats are master excavators, frequently digging themselves entirely out of sight in pursuit of potential meals, which include beetles, scorpions, insect larvae, and small reptiles.
4 楼 Date:2008-01-08 19:54:19

蓝色大闪蝶 Blue Morpho Butterfly
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky
A close-up of a mounted blue morpho butterfly shows its unique iridescent sheen. These mesmerizing insects, indigenous to the rain forests of Central and South America, get their cobalt hue not from pigment but from the thousands of semitransparent scales that filter blue from the visible spectrum and radiate it out from the wings.
海豹 Leopard Seal Underwater, Antarctica

Photograph by Paul Nicklen
A leopard seal swims in turquoise waters just below the surface as a jagged Antarctic ice floe looms in the background.The leopard seal, dubbed a “fierce, handsome brute” by a member of the famed 1914 Shackleton expedition, is a top Antarctic predator: fast, agile, voracious, and large, reaching some 12 feet (4 meters) in length and weighing more than a thousand pounds (450 kilograms).
塘鹅 Cape Gannets, Malgas Island, South Africa

Photograph by Chris Johns
Dressed in snow-white plumage and golden crowns, a colony of cape gannets nests on the rocky coast of Malgas Island in South Africa’s West Coast National Park. The World Conservation Union lists these graceful shorebirds, found almost exclusively in coastal Africa, as vulnerable. The 70,000 cape gannets of Malgas Island share their waters with scores of oil tankers.
黑鹿 Sambar Deer, Madhya Pradesh, India

Photograph by Michael Nichols
Caught in the act by a remote camera trap, a sambar deer drinks from a water source in Bandhavgarh National Park, India. One of the most widely distributed deer species in the world, sambars live in forests throughout Southeast Asia and are favorite prey of tigers, for which this park is known.
盲眼小龙虾 Albino Crayfish, Sims Sink, Florida

北弗罗里达Sims Sink漆黑的深水里,一只晶莹剔透的盲眼小龙虾正在游动在这个无光的世界中,只有深海含水层与落水洞,犹如坠入淡水迷宫一般这些甲壳类动物是少数几种能适应此种环境的物种,它们属于地区性生物,仅存在于少数含水层中,在世界上的其他地方都未曾发现
Photograph by Wes C. Skiles
A blind, albino crayfish swims through the inky depths of Sims Sink in northern Florida. These colorless crustaceans are among the few creatures that have adapted to the lightless world at the bottom of the region’s aquifers, springs, and sinkholes. Many species who make their homes in these freshwater labyrinths are endemic to only a handful of aquifers and are found nowhere else in the world.
一群刺螫水母 School of Sea Nettles, Monterey, California

在加州的蒙特利湾水族馆,一群刺螫水母(sea nettles)正演绎着婀娜多姿的水下芭蕾Chrysaora fuscescens是水母的一种,发现于阿拉斯加到加州间的沿海水域这种无脊椎动物身后拖着长长的布满刺细胞的触角和多褶的口腕,可捕猎水中的浮游生物和小鱼
Photograph by Peter Essick
In the midst of an underwater ballet, a school of sea nettles drifts through California’s Monterey Bay Aquarium. Chrysaora fuscescens is a type of jellyfish found in coastal waters from Alaska to California. The invertebrate hunts by trailing its long sting-cell-covered tentacles and ruffled mouth-arms through the water, combing for zooplankton and larval fishes.
“911”安慰犬 9/11 Comfort Dog, New York City


Photograph by Ira Block
The lesser known of New York’s canine heroes, comfort dogs, such as this golden retriever, help soothe those affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Similar to search-and-rescue dogs, comfort dogs travel to disaster scenes to aid relief efforts. Studies show that people experience physiological changes-such as a drop in heart rate and blood pressure-when they pet animals.
兔鼠 Viscacha, Atacama Desert, Chile

Photograph by Joel Sartore
A vizcacha, close relative of the chinchilla, rests on an outcropping in Chile’s Atacama Desert. These sleepy-eyed herbivores are among few species who thrive in the higher, drier regions of the Atacama. They make their living off the sparse vegetation and grasses that manage to grow in this forbidding desert.
小北极狐 Arctic Fox Pup, Canada

Photograph by Norbert Rosing
An arctic fox pup awakens from a nap on the summer-greened Canadian tundra.
Most arctic foxes turn white in winter to blend with their snowy surroundings, though some, called blue foxes, wear a brownish-blue coat. These delicate-looking mammals have adapted a host of physical attributes-short ears; a short muzzle; thick fur-to help them bear up under some of Earth’s harshest living conditions.
圣女的动物 Bête de la Vierge, Albany, California

“瓢虫被认为是农民与害虫斗争的奖赏,以及儿童娇嫩美丽的回报,在中世纪时代就为英国人所知,他们将其命名为ladybirds,意为’圣母的生灵’而法国人则称之为 bêtes de la Vierge,意为”圣女的动物”
Photograph by Robert F. Sisson
“Prized for farmers for their war on pests and by children for their delicate beauty, the beetles were known to Englishmen in the Middle Ages as ladybirds, creatures of Our Lady. The French called them bêtes de la Vierge, ‘animals of the Virgin.’

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